Tài chính quốc tế Experience in attracting green FDI in some Asian countries and implications for Vietnam MA Mai Tuyet Nhung
Tài chính quốc tế Assessing the impact of factors on Vietnam's key seafood product exports: A case study of the European Union market Dang Phuong Linh, PhD Dang Trung Tuyen, PhD Nguyen Huu Cung, MA Nguyen Thi Hong
Tài chính quốc tế Do macroeconomic uncertainty factors cause banking instability? Evidence from an emerging economy PhD Le Ha Diem Chi, PhD Nguyen Hoang Vinh Loc
Tài chính quốc tế Fiscal policy for the digital economy: International experiences and recommendations MA Mai Thanh Huong, PhD Nguyen Thi Hoa
Tài chính quốc tế Vocational training experience in asociation with solving employment challenges for rural workers in various countries and some recommendations for Vietnam PhD Nguyen Thanh Thao
Corporance Finance Vietnam's commodity exports: Current situation and recommendations MA Ha Thi Vu Ha
Corporance Finance EU - Vietnam free trade agreement (EVFTA): Impact on exporting agricultural products from Vietnam to EU and some policy recommendations Bui Duy Linh
Corporance Finance ESG and company market value: The mediating effect of financial performance PhD Bui Thu Hien, Le Huu Phuc
Study Exchange The current situation of the application and the factors affecting the implementation of Vietnamese public sector accounting standards in non-business units PhD Nguyen Thi Minh Giang
Study Exchange Influence of medical examination and treatment's service quality on outpatients' satisfaction PhD Le Thi Hai Ha, MA Nguyen Thi My Hanh, Assoc.Prof.PhD Nguyen Trong Than, PhD Pham Thi Thuy Van
Corporance Finance EU - Vietnam free trade agreement (EVFTA): Impact on exporting agricultural products from Vietnam to EU and some policy recommendations Bui Duy Linh
Study Exchange Motivations for organic rice purchase: The case of Vietnamese consumers Nguyen Thi Hong Cam, PhD Nguyen Thuy Phuong
Study Exchange Assessing and forecasting the risk of financial statement fraud of enterprises listed on the Vietnamese stock market - A logistic regression model approach Bui Trinh Minh Ngoc, Ngo Tran Thanh Ngan, Nguyen Thi Thanh Huyen, Nguyen Thu Hang, PhD Nguyen Thu Thuy
Corporance Finance Vietnam's commodity exports: Current situation and recommendations MA Ha Thi Vu Ha